አማራ ፋኖ አነጋጋሪው የኤርትራ ሙዚቃ Nahom Yohannes New Eritrean Music

January 21, 2025

አማራ ፋኖ አነጋጋሪው የኤርትራ ሙዚቃ Nahom Yohannes New Eritrean Music, New Ethiopian Music,  Abraham Afewreki


ክመረብ ማዶ አድማስ የመጣው ዝማሬ
የሚለው ገብቶኛል መድህን ነው ላገሬ
አንከፋፈልም በተገንጣይ ወሬ
ሑለቱ አንድ ናቸው  ጥንትም  ሆነ ዛሬ

           ከሰላምታ ጋር
Prof. Paulos Milkia

1 Comment

  1. This has nothing to do with the artist. It is the making of AI with no involvement of the named artist. I have also listened to other fabricated songs using the names of Jiji, Aster and Teddy. I can assure you they were not singing about Fano. Whoever is creating and spreading these songs must stop immediately. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the lyrics. It tells a story, and I like that. Find a singers and record and release it. That way the audience will appreciate it most knowing it is a real work of art.

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