Well, it is good to sing and celebrate in the name of God !!!
However, I wish our songs and celebrations could be in a real sense of what happened and happening in our country because of our horrible and shameful failures to defeat those evil-minded and evil- guided ruling elites of very dirty politics of ethno-centrism!!!!
Needless to say that our empty songs and celebrations had never had and will never have a true meaning of belief unless we change doing things as usual!! So, wake up !
እግዚአብሄር የኢትዮጵያን ኦርቶዶክስ ይጠብቅ። የሰው ሃይማኖት አይነካ ባለበት እንዳይቆይ ነጣቂዎች ሲረባረቡበት ማየት ይገርማል። በአብ በወልድ በመንፈስ ቅዱስ አምናለሁ የሚለው ጴንጤ ሁሉ ሰይፉን ኦርቶዶክስ ላይ ሲያነሳ ግብግቡ የመንፈስ እንደሆነ መረዳት አይከብድም። እነ እዩ ጩፋ፤በቀለ ገርባ፤እስራኤል ዳንሳ፤አቶ ዮናታን አክሊሉል፤ ወሮ ሶፊያ ሽባባውና መሰሎቻቸው አንድ ሽህ አህዛብ ወደ ክርስትና ከመመልስ ይልቅ አንድ ኦርቶዶክስንስ ማፈናቀልን እንደ ስኬት ይቆጥሩታል። ለነገሩ አሁን አሁን ዋጋቸው እየቀለለ እነሱ ሲጠጉ ሰው ቦርሳውን ጠበቅ አድርጎ መያዝ ጀምሯል ለማንኛውም ልብ ይስጣቸው። እነ አህመዲን ጀበል አቡ ሃይደር እና ሌሎች አቡዎች ሲመቻቸው ቢላ ይስላሉ ሳይመች ደግሞ አብረን የኖርን ነን የሚለውን ነጠላ ዜማ ይለቅቃሉ። እስቲ ደግ ጊዜ ያምጣ።
Well, it is good to sing and celebrate in the name of God !!!
However, I wish our songs and celebrations could be in a real sense of what happened and happening in our country because of our horrible and shameful failures to defeat those evil-minded and evil- guided ruling elites of very dirty politics of ethno-centrism!!!!
Needless to say that our empty songs and celebrations had never had and will never have a true meaning of belief unless we change doing things as usual!! So, wake up !