The title is misleading. Who is Teddy specifically criticizing. In addition to everybody else involved in the deconstruction of Ethiopian history and identity, Teddy specifically criticized those Ethiopians living in the United States of America and enjoying the fruits of Unity but working against a united Ethiopia.
እርሱም መልሶ፡- “ክፉና አመንዝራ ትውልድ ምልክትን ይለምናል! ነገር ግን ከነቢዩ ከዮናስ ምልክት በቀር ማንም አይሰጠውም።”
ማቴዎስ 16፡4
ቴዲ ከበቂ በላይ ብዙ ጊዜ ተናግሯል። ስልጣን ላይ ያሉትን ሳይፈራ እውነት ተናግሯል። እኛ ግን የሰማነውን በተግባር ከማዋል ይልቅ ሁሌም ተአምራትን ለማዳመጥ እንፈልጋለን።
The title is misleading. Who is Teddy specifically criticizing. In addition to everybody else involved in the deconstruction of Ethiopian history and identity, Teddy specifically criticized those Ethiopians living in the United States of America and enjoying the fruits of Unity but working against a united Ethiopia.
Worthless posting. an attempt to confuse and diffuse, made up story among us. What a shame!
አሁን ይህ ቃለ ምልልስ ምን ጥርስ ያስነክሳል? ስሙኒ ለመሰብሰብ ብለህ ካልሆነ